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Opting Out from Overwhelm

Where’s Catherine?   On this episode of Where’s Waldo, we’re searching for Catherine. After all, she has been eerily absent from inboxes this month. That’s partly by design and partly because our life got very lifey - family and illness and caregiving oh my. But that’s a story for another da...

Walk the Dog

Did you set your clocks back? Today in the US (except super smart Arizona), we do the godforsaken time change. This change messes me up for a week. No idea why. I guess I’m just crazy time sensitive.   Bob re-set most of the clocks last night. Yes, he rocks. And when I woke up in the dark...

Play After Play

Play after agonizing play. Ohio State just kept plowing down the field wearing out our defense. And leaving us wondering when our offense will finally show up to make the big play. Any play really. Penn State football is not for the faint of heart. Some days feel like this. You put your hea...

ADHD and Burnout

I went to our beach home last week. I’m sure that conjures up magical thoughts for you like A week off – so lucky! Sunrise walks on the beach Roasting marshmallows by the fire pit in the evenings as the sun set over the bay Lazy paddles in the kayak on that same bay Relaxing lounging read...


The tire gauge indicated a low tire. We were just heading back to the hotel at 1am after a spectacular shut out stripe out game PSU over Indiana.I told hubby to go to bed, because I believe that everything is a little easier to deal with after some sleep. In the morning, he discovered a screw i...

Losing My Voice

It has been a long summer. I haven't shared much about what happened so I'll give you the short version now. After I returned from the absolutely magical life changing Real Speaking event in Santa Fe, I came down with bronchitis. I don't see this as a coincidence. Losing my voice immediately ...

Too Busy Taking My Time

“I was too busy taking my time,” she said to her husband. I laughed. And wrote it down. Because too good not to share! Isn’t that often true for ADHD? Or for overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, burned out people? This summer I found I was all of those things. It wasn’t just ADHD kicking my *ss b...

Filling Your Basket

When we think of boundaries, we usually jump straight to ways to keep others from doing allthethings that drive us crazy. But boundaries start with us. They are physical, mental and emotional fences we construct to ensure our safety. Boundaries are an important first step to improving your men...

On the Wings of Dragonflies

I held the carved statue in my hand and wondered. It just didn’t seem to be the exact momento to remember Sandra Grace by. It was pretty but I wasn’t drawn to it. It didn't speak to me. I circled the room again and saw a small photo of a bell. Hmmmm…now that’s interesting. But what was behin...

Organization and ADHD

Theresa was constantly putting off organizing her desk. She had so much work to do. She didn’t want to take the time to declutter. And yet each day she was wasting a ton of time shuffling through piles to find that client file. It’s hard to see how being organized can help you save time when ...