ADHD and Burnout

#adhdburnout #adhdmentalhealth #adhdoverwhelm #burnoutawareness #burnoutrecovery #burnoutrelief #selfcareadhd Oct 15, 2023

I went to our beach home last week.

I’m sure that conjures up magical thoughts for you like

  • A week off – so lucky!
  • Sunrise walks on the beach
  • Roasting marshmallows by the fire pit in the evenings as the sun set over the bay
  • Lazy paddles in the kayak on that same bay
  • Relaxing lounging reading a book on the mini beach


But none of those would be entirely true.

I went to our beach home to 

  • Have marketing photos taken of the property
  • Meet with various trades (future painting and handyman fix it needs)
  • Let in service people for HVAC, bugs, and to winterize the outdoor pipes.

Not very glamorous.

Yes, very intense juggling my “day” job and my rental home responsibilities.

And I confess that I was taking the train down to Wilmington to pick up my rental car, I was feeling a wee bit jealous of all the people on amazing vacations right now.

I was thinking about how Patty Lennon mentioned that she had manifested a trip to Hawaii.

Somewhere around MetroPark, I thought let’s give this a go.

I’m going to be open to any and all magic that can happen on this work trip.

One hour later, I picked up my rental car from National and the gentleman said we’re giving you a free upgrade. Ooooo let the magic begin…

Instead of a tiny compact, I hopped into a red Nissan Rogue. Now you might have been hoping for a sports car and so was I. BUT that small SUV was exactly what I needed as I picked up last minute lamps and other accessories for the photo shoot the next day. WOOT!

I arrived at my hotel (we still had renters at our house) and asked to be in a quiet room. 

It took a few minutes but I was upgraded to a much bigger room on the top floor. Even though I never got to the pool, I loved having that view and the ability to chill on the sectional sofa in my sprawling suite.

I really wanted to stay MUCH longer! LOL!

In the morning, I was served a delicious omelet, muffin and coffee for free, because we’re now Hilton gold members. All I had to pay was the tip.

As I pulled into my parents’ driveway (their beach home is next door) I was surrounded by monarch butterflies. I was in awe of these magnificent creatures that were defying the odds with frosty days ahead. Yes I know they only live up to five weeks but still.




There were many other moments of magic this past week.

The reason I mention the ones above is because while I’m not hopping on a plane to Hawaii any time soon, I don’t have to in order to have magical moments in my life.

And neither do you.

Magic is available for us even in a quick overnight or right here at home.

We just have to be open to receiving.

This past summer, I was all about learning Patty’s 100% rule as I recovered from burnout.

I’ve gone through her program in Receiving School several times, but I never understood that last step (there are 5) - 100% rule.

How do I know when I’ve done my 100% and can let go of the rest?

I’ve done several podcast episodes around that rule and my burnout experience.

And you can check those out on your own.

Today, I just want to point you to the podcast episode where Patty and I talk all about 100%.

And I continue to be the grateful recipient of more of my Patty’s wisdom.

Patty’s Manifestation for GrownUps starts tomorrow.

It’s going to be super fun - think sloths, purple feathers and pink lightbulbs - but grounded with Patty’s down to earth corporate banker background.

A little woo but not cringey woo.

I’d love for you to check out the podcast (btw we rebranded!)


Then join me in Patty’s group.

Manifestation for GrownUps 

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