Catherine Avery is the ADHD Productivity Coach.

Founder of Catherine Avery ADHD Coaching, and host of The Uncluttered Office for ADHD podcast. 

If you’re like most of my busy small business owner clients you want to control your time, brain, space, and information because ADHD brains can feel uncontrollable. I call it 50 tabs open at any time. I help you focus one tab at a time so you can be more productive, profitable, and peaceful. 

A former queen of clutter, recovering Type-A Wall Streeter, cancer survivor/thriver, a diagnosed late in life ADHDer, and a Certified Neurodiversity Coach, Catherine believes that to be truly productive we need to learn how to be intentionally unproductive.

Certified Neurodiversity Coach - Institute for Applied Coaching

Trauma Informed Coaching certification - Coach Training World

ADHD Organizing Specialist Levels I and II - Institute for Challenging Disorganization

Certified Productive Environment Specialist - Productive Environment Institute


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