
Free Event - Tools and Strategies To Improve Your ADHD from Top Experts #adhdawareness #adhdbrain #adhdcommunity #adhdempowerment #adhdtoolbox #freeevent Mar 08, 2024

Today is International Women's Day.

Did you know that the first National Women's Day was in 1909 to commemorate the "15,000 women who protested in New York against harsh working conditions and lesser wages"?

The first International Women's Day was held in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and...

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How to Slow Down Even with ADHD #adhd #adhdawareness #adhdcommunity #adhdlifeskills #adhdstrategies #breatheandfocus #mindfulnesswithadhd #selfcarewithadhd #slowdownwithadhd #slowliving #takeyourtime Feb 20, 2024

The snow was falling again in Connecticut last weekend and pretty much all up and down the east coast.

I love the quiet and the slowing down.

A pleasure after a super busy January. A month where I was very sick and couldn't get in any skiing. Skiing is what keeps me sane in winter. And I confess...

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February is Where New Year's Resolutions Go to Die #adhd #adhdbrain #adhdcoach #adhdcommunity #newyear #newyearresolution Feb 12, 2024

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?By now, who knows right!?!Resolutions are big and scary.Far better to make small shifts in our habits.

In case you didn’t notice, there are a bajillion books on habits.I’m pretty sure there are as many books on creating new habits as...

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Losing My Voice #adhdawareness #adhdcommunity #adhdproductivity #adhdspeaking #adhdstrengths #adhdvoice #focusforward Sep 10, 2023

It has been a long summer.

I haven't shared much about what happened so I'll give you the short version now.

After I returned from the absolutely magical life changing Real Speaking event in Santa Fe, I came down with bronchitis.

I don't see this as a coincidence.

Losing my voice immediately...

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Too Busy Taking My Time #adhd #adhdcoaching #adhdcommunity #productivity Sep 08, 2023

“I was too busy taking my time,” she said to her husband.

I laughed.

And wrote it down.

Because too good not to share!

Isn’t that often true for ADHD?

Or for overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, burned out people?

This summer I found I was all of those things.

It wasn’t just ADHD...

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