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Showing 47 Results:

Commit to Taking Time Off

Last Saturday, Bob and I stopped at our favorite local bagel place for breakfast sandwiches and iced coffee. The owner was behind the counter with one employee in the kitchen. Yes many resturants are still searching for more employees. The owner was talking about his trip to Boston. He was supp...

The Secret to Taking Time Off

I took the holiday weekend off. I wasn’t quite sure how I would pull it off until I finally just plain old shut the door to my home office and didn’t sit at my computer for 3 days. The world didn’t end. My inbox isn’t too inundated, surprisingly. And I feel refreshed and ready to create magic...

Why Many ADHDers are Always Late

  “Every time you show up late for our lunch, it makes me think you don't value me as a friend." Those words hit me like a gut punch. They were spoken by my dear high school friend, Stephanie. I was a college freshman and home for the summer and always late all the time for everything. Lat...

The Simple Secret to a More Productive Day

Ever feel like you’re drowning in emails before you even start your real work? It's a common struggle, especially for those of us with ADHD or busy business lives. But here’s the good news: small changes can make a HUGE difference. They worked for my client, Courtney! Here's her story in her ...

Let’s Conquer Email Overwhelm Together

As someone who grapples with ADHD and a side of overwhelm, I know how frustrating a cluttered inbox can be. It's like a constant weight, pulling at your focus and energy, right? ​ A little while back, I had a client, Danielle, who was drowning in emails. She felt like she was always playing c...

The Emotional Lift of a Decluttered Inbox

Did you know that decluttering your inbox can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being? ​ For differently wired and/or overwhelmed business professionals, a chaotic inbox is more than just a digital mess — it’s a daily emotional drain. One you may not even consciously realize is happ...

Get to, Have to

Recently, at my coach approach training we were discussing what it means to have a stuck client, particularly one who has ADHD. Stuckness can look different in ADHD. When we get stuck, it stops our executive function.A decision for us can be like a train on the tracks with faulty signal lights ...

Find Your Story

Over 20 years ago, I saw a therapist for depression. It was just before the holidays and with the kindest of intentions, she put me on medication so I could enjoy them. Unfortunately, that med threw me straight into mania. I felt like my heart was racing all of the time and I ended up going on...

I Cried Over Porkchop

I cried over a pork chop. I was in a chemo brain re-training group learning how to not forget allthethings. My colleague expressed her frustration at being unable to find the pork chops she had prepared for dinner that night. And I cried and cried. In usual times, I would have chuckled and sa...

The Power of Pause

A few years ago, in the first few months of the pandemic, I wrote nearly daily posts on social media about my experiences. This one struck home and I thought I would share it with you. ​ We're just coming out of one of the most important pauses - a family member was in hospice. And it felt li...