
How Do You See Yourself #adhd #adhdawareness #adhdbrain #self-care #selfcareadhd #selflove Feb 03, 2024

The eye doctor dropped the bomb – bifocals.

Just not happening.

I crossed my arms and shook my head with an adamant no.

Except, it is happening.

And so much more.

I still feel about 40 even though my eyes are telling me otherwise.

After much negotiation, we landed on bifocal glasses with a...

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Unraveling the Time Management Puzzle: Navigating ADHD Executive Function Challenges #adhd #adhdproductivity time-management timemanagement Jan 21, 2024

For professionals with ADHD, the concept of time can feel like a slippery fish, difficult to grasp and even harder to manage. The challenges with time management often stem from unique executive function struggles in the ADHD brain. In this article, we'll dive into the science behind ADHD and...

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How to Deal with Spaghetti Brain #adhd #adhdproductivity #mentalhealth #selfcare self-worth Jan 14, 2024

I just got out of my weekly coaching call with my digital marketing coach extraordinaire, Nika Stewart.

I was having one of those moments where I had 6,000 brilliant ideas but not one focus.
And Nika had to rein me in.
Uber focused – love it.

Here I am a productivity coach for brain-based...

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Grinch and Grace #adhd #burnout #selflove Dec 23, 2023

I didn’t feel like writing this morning.
Which is pretty weird for me because I love typing my thoughts on my iPad early in the morning curled up in a quilt, tea in hand.
But today the words haven’t flowed naturally.
They’re feeling a little stuck.
I’M feeling a little stuck.


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Opting Out from Overwhelm #adhd #adhdcoach #organization #organized #workspace Nov 28, 2023

Where’s Catherine?


On this episode of Where’s Waldo, we’re searching for Catherine.

After all, she has been eerily absent from inboxes this month.

That’s partly by design and partly because our life got very lifey - family and illness and caregiving oh my.


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Lemons #adhd #adhdawareness #mentalhealth Oct 11, 2023

The tire gauge indicated a low tire.

We were just heading back to the hotel at 1am after a spectacular shut out stripe out game PSU over Indiana.
I told hubby to go to bed, because I believe that everything is a little easier to deal with after some sleep.

In the morning, he discovered a screw in...

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Too Busy Taking My Time #adhd #adhdcoaching #adhdcommunity #productivity Sep 08, 2023

“I was too busy taking my time,” she said to her husband.

I laughed.

And wrote it down.

Because too good not to share!

Isn’t that often true for ADHD?

Or for overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, burned out people?

This summer I found I was all of those things.

It wasn’t just ADHD...

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Filling Your Basket #adhd #adhdcoaching #family #productivity Aug 19, 2023

When we think of boundaries, we usually jump straight to ways to keep others from doing allthethings that drive us crazy.

But boundaries start with us.

They are physical, mental and emotional fences we construct to ensure our safety.

Boundaries are an important first step to improving your mental...

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On the Wings of Dragonflies #adhd #adhdbrain #allthethings #descript #mentalhealth #productivity #shiftshow Jul 30, 2023

I held the carved statue in my hand and wondered.

It just didn’t seem to be the exact momento to remember Sandra Grace by.

It was pretty but I wasn’t drawn to it. It didn't speak to me.

I circled the room again and saw a small photo of a bell.

Hmmmm…now that’s...

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Organization and ADHD #adhd #organization #organized Jul 28, 2023

Theresa was constantly putting off organizing her desk.

She had so much work to do.

She didn’t want to take the time to declutter.

And yet each day she was wasting a ton of time shuffling through piles to find that client file.

It’s hard to see how being organized can help you save...

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